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Delivery in Dimapur and Chumukedima only


Delivery in Dimapur and Chumukedima only

Privacy Policy

We, Dithe Marketing Private Limited, operate the website This privacy policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information obtained through the website.

1. Information we collect

A. Personal Information:

i. Name: We collect your full name to personalize your shopping experience, facilitate order processing, and ensure accurate communication.

ii. Contact Information:

  • Email Address: Your email address is collected to communicate essential information about your orders, provide order confirmations, and respond to inquiries. Additionally, it may be used for marketing purposes with your consent.
  • Phone Number: We may collect your phone number to facilitate order-related communication or to address any issues that may arise during the order fulfillment process.

iii. Shipping Address: To ensure the accurate delivery of your orders, we collect your shipping address details. This information is essential for our logistics and shipping partners to deliver your purchases to the correct location.

iv. Payment Information:

  • Credit Card Details: When you make a purchase, we collect your credit card details to securely process transactions. This information is encrypted and handled in compliance with industry security standards.
  • Billing Address: We collect your billing address to verify payment details and prevent unauthorized transactions.

v. Purpose of Collecting Personal Information:

a. Order Fulfillment: Personal information is primarily collected to process and fulfill your orders. This includes verifying payment details, arranging shipment, and updating you on the status of your purchases.
b. Customer Communication: Your contact information is used for communication related to your orders, including order confirmations, shipping updates, and addressing any inquiries or concerns you may have.
c. Marketing Communications: With your explicit consent, we may use your email address or phone number to send you promotional materials, newsletters, and marketing communications. You have the option to opt-out of these communications at any time.

vi. Security Measures:

a. Data Security: We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. This includes secure socket layer (SSL) encryption for sensitive data such as credit card details.

b. Payment Processing: We partner with reputable payment processors to ensure the secure handling of your payment information. Your credit card details are not stored on our servers.

vii. Third-Party Involvement:

a. Service Providers: In certain instances, we may share your personal information with trusted third-party service providers (e.g., payment processors, shipping companies) to facilitate order processing, shipment, and related services.
b. Legal Compliance: We may disclose personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, or legal processes.

B. Non-Personal Information:

i. Cookies and Usage Data:

  • Cookies: Our website uses cookies, which are small text files stored on your device, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized content. Cookies help us understand your preferences and improve the functionality of our site.
  • Usage Data: We collect information about your interactions with our website, such as pages visited, products viewed, and the duration of your visit. This data is aggregated and anonymized to analyze trends and improve our website’s performance.

ii. IP Address:

  • Your IP address is automatically logged when you access our website. This information helps us identify the geographic location of our visitors and analyze potential security threats.

iii. Browser Type and Version:

  • We collect data about the browser you are using (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and its version. This information aids in optimizing our website’s compatibility and ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

iv. Date and Time of Access:

  • We log the date and time when you access our website. This information is valuable for analyzing peak usage periods, identifying trends, and optimizing server performance.

v. Purpose of Collecting Non-Personal Information:

a. Website Functionality:

  • Cookies are used to enhance the functionality of our website, such as remembering your preferences, language settings, and items in your shopping cart.

b. Analytics and Improvements:

  • Non-personal information, including usage data, IP addresses, browser types, and access timestamps, is collected to analyze user behavior, improve our website’s layout, content, and functionality, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the user experience.

vi. Third-Party Analytics:

a. Analytics Services:

  • We may use third-party analytics services to collect, monitor, and analyze non-personal information. These services help us gain insights into user behavior and improve our website.

b. Google Analytics:

  • Our website may use Google Analytics or similar services to track and report website traffic. Google Analytics may collect information such as your IP address, browser type, and date/time of access. This information is used to generate reports on website activity and improve our services.

vii. Cookie Management:

a. Opting Out:

  • You can control and manage cookies through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to refuse or accept cookies, or alert you when a cookie is set. However, please note that blocking certain cookies may impact your experience on our website.

viii. Data Retention:

a. Retention Period:

  • Non-personal information is retained for a reasonable period to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Aggregated and anonymized data may be retained for analytical purposes.

2. How We Collect Information:

A. Directly from You:

We collect information directly from you when you engage with our website in the following ways:

  • Account Creation: When you create an account, we collect the necessary information to personalize your experience and facilitate secure access to your account.
  • Order Placement: Information is collected when you place an order, including personal details and transaction-related data. This is essential for order processing and fulfillment.
  • Customer Support: When you contact us via email or through customer support, we collect information relevant to addressing your inquiries and providing assistance. This may include personal information shared during the communication.
B. Automatically:

Certain information is collected automatically as you navigate and interact with our website. This is facilitated through the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies:

  • Cookies: Our website utilizes cookies to enhance your browsing experience. These small text files are stored on your device and help us recognize you, remember your preferences, and provide a personalized experience.
  • Tracking Technologies: In addition to cookies, we use other tracking technologies to collect data such as IP addresses, browser types, and access times. This information is aggregated and anonymized to analyze trends and improve the functionality of our website.

By combining direct user input with automated technologies, we aim to create a seamless and personalized experience while maintaining transparency about our data collection practices.

3. Use of Information:

A. To Fulfil Orders:

We use the information collected for the purpose of processing and fulfilling orders placed on our website. This includes:

  • Order Processing: Verifying payment details, arranging shipment, and ensuring accurate delivery.
  • Order Confirmations and Updates: Providing order confirmations and keeping you informed about the status of your purchases.
B. Customer Support:

We collect and utilize information to respond to inquiries and provide customer support, ensuring a seamless and satisfactory experience for our users. This includes:

  • Inquiry Resolution: Addressing any questions, concerns, or issues you may have.
  • Assistance: Offering support related to product information, order status, or any other assistance required.
C. Marketing and Communication:

With your explicit consent, we use the collected information for marketing and communication purposes, including:

  • Promotional Emails and Newsletters: Sending promotional materials, newsletters, and updates about our products and services.
  • Opt-Out Options: Providing clear opt-out options in every communication, giving you control over receiving promotional content.
D. Analytics:

We use data analytics to gain insights into website usage, aiming to enhance user experience and improve our services. This involves:

  • Website Usage Analysis: Analyzing aggregated and anonymized data to understand user behavior, preferences, and trends.
  • Continuous Improvement: Using analytical insights to make data-driven decisions for ongoing improvements to our website’s functionality, content, and overall user experience.

By transparently outlining how user information is utilized, we aim to foster trust and ensure that your interaction with our website is tailored to your preferences while respecting your privacy.

4. Disclosure of Information:

A. Service Providers:

We may share certain information with trusted third-party service providers to facilitate seamless business operations. These providers include:

  • Payment Processors: Information necessary for transaction processing, including credit card details, may be shared with secure payment processors to ensure the completion of your purchases.
  • Shipping Companies: To fulfill orders, we share shipping details with reputable shipping companies. This is essential to guarantee the accurate and timely delivery of your products.

These service providers are carefully selected, and their access to your information is strictly limited to the tasks required for the smooth functioning of our services.

B. Legal Compliance:

We may disclose information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes. This includes:

  • Legal Obligations: Sharing information as required by law, government entities, or legal proceedings.
  • Protection of Rights: Disclosing information when necessary to protect our rights, enforce our terms of service, or address violations.

In such instances, we ensure that any disclosure complies with legal requirements and is carried out with utmost consideration for privacy and confidentiality.

By outlining these disclosure practices, we aim to provide transparency and assure our users that any sharing of information is conducted responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws.

5. Cookies:

A. Essential Cookies:

Essential cookies are fundamental to the proper functioning of our website. These cookies enable core functionalities such as:

  • User Authentication: Essential cookies ensure the security of your account by enabling you to log in securely and access personalized content.
  • Shopping Cart Functionality: They facilitate the smooth operation of our shopping cart, ensuring your selected items are retained as you navigate through the checkout process.
  • Website Navigation: Essential cookies support basic features like page navigation, allowing you to move seamlessly across our website.

These cookies are integral to your user experience, and the website may not function properly without them.

B. Analytics Cookies:

Analytics cookies help us collect and analyze information about how users interact with our website. This includes:

  • Usage Patterns: Understanding how users navigate and engage with different sections of our website.
  • Performance Metrics: Analyzing aggregated data to identify areas for improvement and optimize the overall user experience.
  • Visitor Trends: Gaining insights into visitor trends and preferences to enhance our content and services.

These cookies provide valuable information that allows us to make informed decisions for continuous improvement.

By using our website, you consent to the use of both essential and analytics cookies. You have the option to manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings, although disabling essential cookies may impact the functionality of certain features.

6. Security:

A. Protection Measures:

We are committed to safeguarding your personal information and have implemented robust security measures to protect against unauthorized access and disclosure. Our protection measures include:

  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption: Our website employs industry-standard SSL encryption technology to secure the transmission of data between your browser and our servers. This ensures the confidentiality of sensitive information, such as credit card details, during transactions.
  • Access Controls: Access to user data is strictly controlled and limited to authorized personnel who require access for specific tasks, such as order processing or customer support.
  • Regular Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your information.
  • Data Backups: Periodic backups of user data are performed to prevent data loss and expedite recovery in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

While we implement these measures to protect your information, it’s crucial for users to also play an active role in maintaining the security of their accounts. We recommend creating strong, unique passwords and refraining from sharing account credentials.

Our commitment to your privacy and data security is unwavering. If you have any security-related concerns or if you suspect any unauthorized activity, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

7. Your Choices:

A. Opt-Out:

We respect your preferences, and you have the right to control the communications you receive from us. If you wish to opt-out of receiving marketing communications, follow these simple steps:

  • Email Communications: Every promotional email you receive will include clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Clicking on the provided “unsubscribe” link will promptly remove you from our marketing communications.

Please note that even if you choose to opt-out of marketing communications, you may continue to receive essential transactional emails related to your orders and account.

Your privacy matters to us, and we strive to make it easy for you to manage your communication preferences. If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties while adjusting your preferences, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

8. Third-Party Links:

A. External Links:

Our website may contain links to external sites for your convenience and reference. Please be aware that:

  • Privacy Practices: We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites. When you navigate to a third-party website through a link on our platform, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of those sites. Each external site may have different policies regarding the collection and use of your personal information.
  • Content Disclaimer: We do not endorse or take responsibility for the content available on external sites. The inclusion of links on our website does not imply any endorsement of the material on those sites.

While we strive to provide links to reputable and trustworthy sources, your interactions with external sites are subject to their terms and privacy policies. Exercise caution and discretion when navigating to external sites from our platform.

If you have any concerns or questions about specific external links on our website, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

9. Children’s Privacy:

A. Age Restriction:

Our website is designed for a general audience, but it is not intended for users under the age of 13. We are committed to protecting the privacy of children, and as such:

  • Collection Policy: We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not provide any personal information on our website. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under 13, we will take prompt steps to delete such information.
  • Parental Consent: If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child under 13 has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us immediately. We will take steps to verify and, if necessary, delete that information.
  • Educational Resources: We encourage parents and guardians to be actively involved in their children’s online activities and to utilize parental control tools to create a safe online environment.

By implementing these measures, we aim to create a safe and secure online experience for all users, especially children.

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy:

A. Updates:

Our commitment to protecting your privacy includes regularly reviewing and updating our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, and business practices. Key points to note regarding updates include:

  • Immediate Effect: Any changes made to this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon being posted on our website. We encourage you to review this page periodically to stay informed about how we are safeguarding your information.
  • Notification: While we may not notify users individually of every update, we will ensure that the most recent version of the Privacy Policy is easily accessible on our website. The “Last Updated” date at the beginning of the policy indicates the latest revision.
  • Your Continued Use: Your continued use of our website following any changes to the Privacy Policy implies your acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree with the updated terms, you may choose to discontinue using our services.

We believe that keeping our users informed about how their information is handled is integral to maintaining trust and transparency. If you have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy or updates, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

11. Contact Us:

A. Questions:

Your privacy matters, and we are here to address any concerns or questions you may have regarding our Privacy Policy. Please feel free to contact us through the following channels:

Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you and provide the information you need. We value your feedback and are committed to ensuring a transparent and secure online experience for all our users.

If you have specific inquiries about your personal information or privacy practices, please include as much detail as possible in your communication to help us assist you promptly.